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Volunteering in Sheffield - What's Good about it Do you do it?


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I wonder how many of us do any kind of voluntary work - whether that's for 10 minutes a week helping an elderly neighbour to helping to run a nursery, working with young people, ex-offenders, asylum sekeers or working outdoors on the environmnet or in junior football or other kids related stuff.


There's 22 million volunteers in Britain and so some of us must be among them - what do you do and what do you get out of it.


Are you looking for a quality volunteering oportunity yourself?

It's one sure fire way of making new friends and learning some new tricks.

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i work as a Director/Trustee of a charity in sheffield. Its hugely rewarding and often get a lot more satisfaction than the "day" job. It is hard work though and a big commitment. I think people that use our services sometimes forget that we do this as an add on to our day jobs but at the end of the day its very worthwhile

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Hi, I'm wanting to do some volenteering abroad but am having trouble finding anyone who doesn't want silly amounts of money for my services. I'm a joiner and surely somewhere out there on my way to Australia there must be a country that needs joiners. So far all the places I've found want me to pay thousands of pounds for the me to do any volentary work. I'm happy paying for flight's etc but paying to help out is just rediculous. I can't believe there are companies making money out of people volenteering.

Is it me?

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im part of a neighbourhood watch group, but we dont meet up very often due to lack of interest! ended up being just the same few faces everytime so we kinda gave up on it although still communicate we just dont meet up.

we did the fun days on the playing fields for a few years, but to be honest the verbal abuse and hassle we got made it not worth it in the end :(

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I'm a Trustee of an charity, help run the Forum and am involved in a few other 'non-profit' projects and organisations. In previous years I've also been involved with training charities.


I've got a few things brewing for the New Year that I hope will make a difference. :)

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Some good replies but most organisations can't recruit new blood and there seems to be an apathy abroad. I once challenged voluntary organisations to think about people's interests and to focus on looking at recruiting at events where people are perhaps indulging one particluar interest such as sport or shopping and try to pitch to them there ie at Rugby or Soccer Games or in Meadowhall. When I recently asked volcommgroups where do you recruit new members the response was at Volunteer Fairs. Enough Said?


seen this ?


Free media awareness training for Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector Organisations

Free Media Awareness Training for Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector Organisations in South Yorkshire and the North Midlands


Thursday December 14th 2006 4.30pm-7.00pm

Thursday February 8th 2007 4.30pm-7.00pm

Thursday March 29th 2007 4.30pm-7.00pm

Thursday May 17th 4.30pm-7.00pm

@ BBC Radio Sheffield


The CSV Action Desk at BBC Radio Sheffield is offering free media awareness training for Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector organisations in South Yorkshire and the North Midlands. The course offers how to deal with the print & broadcast media and write effective press releases, media interview techniques & tips, how the the media works and some useful audio case studies from successful community groups. There's also information on the latest BBC campaigns and initiatives.

The course can be offered for your group/organisation at your venue or as part of the regular courses run at the BBC Sheffield Open Centre.


CSV Media is part of Britain's biggest volunteering charity and is in partnership with the BBC to provide Social Action expertise. For more information about CSV see: http://www.csv.org.uk and go to CSV Media.


Our role is to strengthen the role of the voluntary sector in dealing with the media to get your story on air and in print. CSV employs social action producers at 37 BBC Local Radio Stations across the UK to help promote volunteering, lifelong learning and community action.


Other types of media training offered. For more details or to book call Andy Kershaw CSV Social Action Producer at BBC Radio Sheffield 0114 267 5444 or email actiondesk.sheffield@bbc.co.uk

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