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US troops in sick taunt of Iraqi boys

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That shows a remarkable lack of discipline. It seems to be pretty typical of some american soldiers though.

They do not seem to realise that those lads are the men of tomorrow.

The actions of the occupiers now, will affect their actions tomorrow.

They are making a rod for the backs of the soldiers who will be following them in the future.

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****ing horrific, but not really that surprising. The American military most especially has been in the business of dehumanising recruits for decades; I find any false morality at this stage laughable. That said, rape, humiliation and destruction have been the tools of countless imperial powers for millennia. It's also suitably ironic that the truck upon which these pituitary retards are riding is running on fuel made cheap by destabilisation and effective opression of the middle east. The American army? Bunch of absolute ****ing *****. **** em.

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The American army? Bunch of absolute ****ing *****. **** em.


Perhaps you would like to justify this statement? Fair enough the actions of those soldiers in that video were wrong, but surely tarring all US Soldiers with the same brush is just as bad as any other labelling or stereotyping? Or is it acceptable because


a) They're American?

b) They're soldiers?

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I will wager that there are many acts of kindness by US troops towards Iraqi boys which do not get reported and which are far more numerous than the incident reported above.


Yes definatly, but because it doesnt make a good story we dont hear about it.

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I will wager that there are many acts of kindness by US troops towards Iraqi boys which do not get reported and which are far more numerous than the incident reported above.


I'll wager that they've hurt more people, killed more people and generally made life worse for more people than they have "helped"

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Perhaps you would like to justify this statement? Fair enough the actions of those soldiers in that video were wrong, but surely tarring all US Soldiers with the same brush is just as bad as any other labelling or stereotyping? Or is it acceptable because


a) They're American?

b) They're soldiers?


I did actually qualify that sweeping generalisation by acknowledging that there has existed, in all military powers in the past, a contingent that will abuse their position of power. However, given the supposed level of civilization of the West (including the USA), it seems that little has been done to gentrify the manner in which campaigns are carried out. In fact, we know that dehumanising is a tool that is actively employed when training servicepeople. In the various scandals that have come out of the occupation of Iraq, we know that the orders to humiliate have trickled down from higher ranks. So, yes, to a degree, to both (a) and (b).

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However wrong the actions of the few in this video, I think others are right in saying that the countless good things being done by soldiers in Iraq are probably ignored.


I would go as far as to say that many bad things that are done by soldiers not from America are ignored because the world only wants to know that America is bad right now, not that they themselves are the same.


Let's not forget, whether we agree with the war or not, the forces in Iraq liberated the country from an oppressive dictator. Gave them a chance at determining their own future.


Many things have gone wrong since, but this is still a factor.

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