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Remember Remember, the 22nd of November

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For those of you who want to sit back in astonishment, read, and watch the sycophancy displayed in this item about thatchers resignation.

Then thank God that we will never see the like of it again.

It is even worse than I remember it.

The reverence in their voices, they were talking about the most evil dog to tread the soil of this country for gods sake.

It is absolutely appalling.

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"The UK was seen by some as the "sick man of Europe" in the 1970s. However, the UK emerged as one of the most successful economies in modern Europe. While the unemployment rate did eventually come down, it came after initial job losses and radical labour market reforms. These included laws that weakened trade unions and the deregulation of financial markets, which certainly played a part in returning London to a leadership position as a European financial centre, and her push for increased competition in telecommunications and other public utilities.


Critics of this view believe that the economic problems of the 1970s were exaggerated, and were caused largely by factors outside any UK government's control, such as high oil prices caused by the oil crisis, leading to the high inflation which damaged the economies of nearly all major industrial countries. Accordingly, they also argue that the economic downturn was not the result of increased regulation and the power of the trade unions, as Thatcherite supporters claim. Critics also argue that the Thatcher period in government coincided with a general improvement in the world economy, even though Britain overtook many other OECD countries in GDP ranking during this time. Critics also argued the economy benefited from the buoyant tax revenues from North Sea oil and that these were the real cause of the improved economic environment of the 1980s rather than Margaret Thatcher's policies" - Quoted from Wikipedia



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Maybe because she wasn't. She took a country that was economically bankrupt and turned it into the world's fourth-largest economy.

She took an industrial country, sold off all its assets, squandered the wealth of north sea oil, destroyed its industrial base, eriched her cronies, and turned the rest of us into white coolies.

We have fought back well over the last nine years, and can now hold our head up in the world again.

We had got to the point where even the chinese would not trust us to build motor car engines.

I envy you who cannot remember what a great country this was before she got her hands on it.

I can and it breaks my heart.

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Maybe because she wasn't. She took a country that was economically bankrupt and turned it into the world's fourth-largest economy.


What about North Sea oil - it was almost taken for granted that whoever won the '79 election would be in power for a long time with all the extra revenue - although many of us thought it would be spent on infrastructure and jobs rather than unemployment benefit.

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Wasn’t it Mrs Thatcher who stole free milk off children, shut down most of the collieries — as a certain gentleman said she would – and more or less took industry out of the equasion?


it certainly was! early seventies, when she was the education minister.


Thuggie Thatcher the milk-snatcher!


She did to this country what napoleon, Kaiser bill and Hitler could not! She brought this country to its knees. she shafted the working man, to boot.

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