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My friend is losing her mind...PLEASE HELP!

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Sorry to hear that - I'm sure your friend must be very concerned.


She should probably go to her GP and ask for some neuropsych tests to be arranged - it may be something of nothing, but it's always best to get these things checked out, and many people find it easier to deal with it when they know exactly what (if anything) is happening.


And in the meantime, all you can do is to be there for her and support her through the process, and to be patient and understanding when she does get a bit confused.



ps ive only notice the happy bouncing bananas now, so ignore the above if it's irrelevant!!

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How old is your friend? Could she be menopausal?


Forgetting everyday words, or calling things by the wrong name, are quite normal side effects of the odd levels of oestrogen during the menopause and other hormonal upsets.


There are lots of possible reasons for her word substitution, and I'd recommend her talking to her GP about it if she's worried- I guarantee that her GP won't think she's either loopy or wasting their time.

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I often say the wrong words but can laugh them off as just another senior moment. It IS scary though when your brain knows what you are really wanting to say but your mouth has other ideas. I used to get into trouble for referring to things as "thingies" or "what me call its" but I'm glad I got into the habit now. It covers a multitude of sins.

You could offer to go with her to get herself checked out.:thumbsup:

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I get this all the time, i've been a lot worse over the last 6 months. I know what it is i just can't find the right word in my head, even though i am usually looking at it.


Everything at our house is in the microwave :loopy: , which would be much more helpful if we had one !!

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