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Any good tips for remembering?


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Better still, if you can 'appear' a little befuddled and in need of some help, it keeps the checkout person off guard and distracted (trying to 'help' you), and keeps you in control.

Hey I like that, strategically scatty.:thumbsup: that's something I should be good at and now I have a reason.Thank you:hihi: I shall try that tomorrow.

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Well Joan; 'playing' dumb can be a pretty good tool to have at your disposal, if you use it as and when appropriate, though I wouldn't suggest you do it all the time!


I hear some ladies use it to good effect in combination with a flattering of the eye lashes, to secure the heroic service of some sir galahad or other ...


Good luck ;)

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Well, I got the giggles now....:hihi: I tried being scatty in Superdrug.....paid by card, did all the oohs and ahhs and stuff.....and then got offerred a free drink...one of those energy /brain power things......:hihi: .oh and I remembered to collect my card......it worked:thumbsup:

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