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Bad Wind! What's the best type of fencing?


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It's no so much the type of fencing - it's how it's put up that's important. Panel fencing secured with wooden posts just a foot down into soft soil wouldn't stand much more than a gentle breeze Decent concrete posts into at least a couple of foot of firm ground would survive most gales.

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We live in a very open exposed site, the only fence we can keep up is one based on a low brick wall with pillars in between for support, made with 4 x 1 slatted wood on a frame, so far so good any woven or pannelled fence is no good at all no resistance to the wind, either that or plant a hedge, except it takes time!

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My site seems to be subject to some sort of vortex effect so that even a quite stiff breeze blows down a certain section of fencing. I've found that heavy duty trellis with a panel at each side of the fence post, slightly offset from one another seems to do the trick. Allows the wind to pass through but still keeps in dogs and cats and enables reasonable privacy. It is more expensive though as you need two panels for each length.

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We have double pailing(sp?) since our fence blew down.


Can't see through it. Dog doesn't fit through it. it's like a picket fence, but the pointed slats are nailed either side of a horizontal the same diameter as the posts


We'd have preferred trellis, but this worked better with the goegraphy of the garden


If you go for trellis, you can grow climbers up it to mask the view of next door ;)


http://www.atkinsonsfencing.co.uk/images/fencing/f3/f3_05.jpg as an example :thumbsup:

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I need new fencing, but I want something to stand up winds like last night! what are your recommendations, and who to do it :thumbsup:


Have a chat with Darren Clarke at D. Clarke Fencing & Garden Solutions. This bloke is a bloody genius when it comes to these matters and he won't try to influence you one way or the other. He will simply advise on what is the most appropriate for your particular needs. All quotes are free of charge and without obligation.


Contact Darren on 0789 4987888 (or 01246 292744) or e-mail dclarkefencing@aol.com

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