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Bus drivers are Psychos!!!!

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Am I the only person who thinks that bus drivers are psychotic lunatics?


I was just driving merrilly on my way and indicated to make a turn and a bus driver thought it would be a fab idea to block the side road that I was attempting to turn onto. The bus driver deliberately moved forward thus blocking the road. Of course, me being a woman was totally in the wrong and he proceeded to shout and threaten me.


This happened on Crookesmoor Road at tea time and if you are the fat ugly bloke who was swearing at me with my small child in the car, then shame on you. I bet it made you feel good swearing at me - only big men swear at women with young children in tow.


Is anyone else really fed up with bus drivers thinking that they own the road, have priority over all and of course the ole favourite of being entitled to driving through red lights at all times. I think bus drivers ought to have to take some kind of "sanity test" before being able to operate such machinery.


Surely i'm not the only person who feels this hatred towards bus drivers (and of course fat blokes who gain pleasure swearing at women).

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If you are the fat ugly bloke who was swearing at me with my small child in the car, then shame on you.


(and of course fat blokes who gain pleasure swearing at women).


Why do you feel the need to mention his appearance and weight? I'm overweight myself and find the term 'fat ugly bloke' even when aimed at someone else quite offensive:(

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