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Hello all, its been a while!


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I've been without internet for a while after my modem broke, and then several lengthy debates with BT.

Ended up on dial up which is like pulling teeth so I didnt spend much time online, and finally got broadband back today so I thought I;d pop on and say Hello.


I cant claim to have done much of anything realy cos I developed a bit of an addiction to freecell and solitaire, although my coccoon wrap has grown a little.


Hope you're all well.

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...oh..erm...'wool' - just to keep on topic ;)

Now you see, that's what makes you a good group leader; the ability to stick to the group's subject matter :hihi: .


What's Animal Crossing? I haven't progressed much past Solitaire and Minesweeper, apart from the odd play with the Sims 2.


Welcome back, bex :wave: .

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Wool from me too!


I love the sims 2, not played it for a while. What a dilema, I'm home from work early, do I do the housework, knit, or play sims??

Pah to the housework! Knit, of course. After two hours of knitting, you'll have something attractive to show for it. After two hours of playing the Sims, all you'll have is an impression of your bum on the computer chair :hihi: .


I bought a add on to the Sims2 a few months ago (the one after the university add on) and I still haven't got around to loading it. What a waste of money that was. Never let it be said that I don't succumb to impulse purchases :roll::hihi: .

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Completely off-topic, but I've just noticed beansforyou's new name where 'registered user' used to to be. It's perfect! Not that I really think she's warped, or anything, but with her starting to do weaving and... oh never mind. You know what I mean :hihi: .

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I wasted an hour of knitting time last night to Animal Crossing. Someone has to go around harvesting all that fruit and the resident six year old would rather be fishing or bug catching. I had a big tree planting bash a week or two ago and we now have peaches for man and dog.


I'm considering retiring there, we have a rabbit and a cat so there would be something to spin...

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Thankyou for noticing my new name! :lol: I considered 'twisted' but thought it sounded a bit mean!

Warped seems to fit me much better :lol:


My son keeps time-travelling on Animal Crossing :rant: so we end up with lots of spiders in our house, and my flowers dissapear! But i've been nagging him about it - he can't even escape nagging on his DS :lol:


He has sims2 for his DS also, i've not had a go on that but it looks really good, the new pets add on comes out soon I think.

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