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E Music Advice please


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I thought you may be able to help me ~ a friend has reccommended emusic.com ~ has anyone had any experience with this site and also I'd appreciate any advice or pointers towards other similar sites as I'm new to these music sites.




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It's a subscription service, isn't it? Would you download that many tracks each month to justify the monthly fee? Is there a minimum term of subscription, ie are you tied to paying for more than one or two months if you do join?


I use iTunes, because I don't download that many tracks and so a subscription wouldn't be really worthwhile.


Lovely avatar, by the way :) .

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Hi Hecate ~ I have read the terms and it looks like you can cancel at any time. I think I possibly would download that much music as we don't have a TV so music is our entertainment. The avatar is our cat who is sadly at rainbow bridge but looking down on us! I like your user name ~ the triple goddess!


Cube ~ I'll take a look at that site. Are there any more?


Jane x

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...The avatar is our cat who is sadly at rainbow bridge but looking down on us! ...

Ah yes, I remember now that you mentioned him before. I thought your username was familiar. He was a handsome cat :) .


The only one I'm familar with is iTunes, which doesn't offer a subscription service. As individual tracks are 79p from there, it does sound like one which offers a subscription package would be best for you if you anticipate downloading lots.


Just make sure that the one you choose supports your MP3 player. I think the Tesco service didn't support the iPod format, though I'm not sure if that's still the case.

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"Cheap as Chips"... indeed. :cool:



I would read up on the recent articles about them as they may be going under soon, or at least stopping access to people outside of Russia.




Visa and Mastercard seem to think what they are doing is illegal and have stopped processing payments, which is never a good sign.

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