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Sheffield Euro Millions


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Sitting here wondering what I would do with the new £110million Euro lottery winnings (or whatever it wil be next week)..... when I win it.


I was wondering what sheffielders would do with that sort of money?


How could you make the city better? Buy into United or Wednesday, move away, level it and start again or just live here and enjoy eveything about it.


What would you do?

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i dont usually play the lottery but im gonna have a go on this euro millions.

if i won that much money, i would buy new homes, cars etc for all my immediate family.

i would treat ALL my family and friends to a great holiday for a couple of weeks.

buy myself a new house and car and buy myself a hairdressing salon for when i finish my training.

i wouls donate a large lump of the money to sheffields childrens hospital.

other than this i dont know what i'd do with the winnings.....

...I WOULD TREAT YOU ALL TO A GREAT NIGHT OUT!!, it would be nice to put faces to names!

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Ive always wanted to be a landlady, good quality, basic housing for low income familys, ever since I was unfortunate enough to need this when hubbie was out of work for a period, couldnt get on the council list, and no private landlord would take unemployed, Hubbie says it would matter what else I would want as I would prob give most away

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