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Is this just the cause of a dead leg?????


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i awoke this morning to the phone ringing,so i got out of bed to go and answer it but just collapsed in a heap on the floor .

thinkin it was because i had just woke up i stood up only to fall straight back down again, my left leg was totally numb so i just layed on the floor for a few minutes then stood back up but my foot felt as if i had pins and needles, anyway i was bck to normal shortly after but all day my leg has felt as if i have got something tied round it at the top and its really irrating could it just be that i had a dead leg?????:huh:

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I think the likelihood is that you slept in a funny position that caused pressure on nerves to your leg, either in your lower back or at some point where the nerves pass through your hip or thigh.


The residual symptoms left over are a strange ache that's sort of a weakness combined with a slightly tingly/pins and needles feeling.

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It's quite possible to sleep in such a way that a limb is starved of blood. When you try and use the limb you will find it has no feeling or muscle tone so it will just feel floppy and like it's about 3 sizes too big! As the blood flows back in you will get pain and tingling which may continue for some time :o

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I've done this before it's awful, I couldn't walk either. In fact I did it two days in a row, I found that I was sleeping on my side with my knee resting against my other leg which caused it. But if it happens again I would go to the docs just in case :thumbsup:

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Because often some symptons are very very common and turn out to be nothing. It helps to put peoples mind at rest if others have had the same problems. It could also really help someone one day if they think a sympton is nothing and it could be something serious. Besides, it is common sense that if the person is worried they will go to the doctors anyway and if I reply I usually say to :thumbsup:

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i had a similar experience with my arm once, i'd ben sleeping with my arm behond my head, resting my head on my arm, i half awoke to the feeling of something resting over my face, still half asleep i couldn't work out what it was, apart from it feeling squidgy and it had legs (it was my hand) so i lifted it off with my other hand (still half asleep and not even panicking at this point, despite me thinking it was a monster or something, yes i had got a bit drunk the night before)


so i lift it off with my other arm, only for it to flop back down on my face, at this point i leapt out of bed thinking some kind of alien had come to hug my face :hihi::help:

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i had a similar experience with my arm once, i'd ben sleeping with my arm behond my head, resting my head on my arm, i half awoke to the feeling of something resting over my face, still half asleep i couldn't work out what it was, apart from it feeling squidgy and it had legs (it was my hand) so i lifted it off with my other hand (still half asleep and not even panicking at this point, despite me thinking it was a monster or something, yes i had got a bit drunk the night before)


so i lift it off with my other arm, only for it to flop back down on my face, at this point i leapt out of bed thinking some kind of alien had come to hug my face :hihi::help:


sorry but that is soo funny made me laugh anyway :D bless

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