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NHS jobs to go? what do u think


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Hi whats peoples view's regarding the supposed job cut's regarding the NHS.

I work for the NHS at the Hallamshire, I am a clinical support worker and work along side qualifed staff.


I was told that the role of the support worker would take on more of the qualified role and the qualified would be taking on the role of the doctor's. This however would not be reconised in our pay OR our qualification, whats your view.

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Hi whats peoples view's regarding the supposed job cut's regarding the NHS.

I work for the NHS at the Hallamshire, I am a clinical support worker and work along side qualifed staff.


I was told that the role of the support worker would take on more of the qualified role and the qualified would be taking on the role of the doctor's. This however would not be reconised in our pay OR our qualification, whats your view.


A recipe for disaster and that's no slur on the ability of the support workers and qualified staff. The main worry is the safety of patients but there also has to be concern about staff retention - a very tough job is about to get a whole lot tougher. I've heard a rumour, about a hospital in another city not the Hallamshire, that there is a drive to reduce numbers of more experienced nursing staff in order to cut costs in response to national directives on ward skill mix issued by the Department of Health. They seem to have little basis in reality from what I've heard but I'm guessing it's those same directives that are about to affect staff in Sheffield's hospitals.

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