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Lexus driver last night


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Was on my motorbike on Prince of Wales road last night and nearly got knocked off by an idiot in a Lexus! He changed lanes without looking or indicating and completely cut me up. I caught up with him a little later on and pointed out it would be useful for him to use those funny orange lights on the sides of his car, I'm sure a Lexus especially must be equipped with these!


A little further up he overtook me and proceeded to change lanes right in front of me several times without indicating just to make a point. What a jerk...


It really makes me wonder at the state of some drivers minds on the roads, it's quite frightening really!

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Obviously there are good and bad car drivers just as there are good and bad motor bikers / cyclists. As a car driver it infuriates me when a motorbike rider insists on riding behind me about 3 inches away from my back bumper, headlight blazing whilst waiting until he can whip by me. I would only have to press lightly on the brakes and splat!! Also you cyclists overtake both on the nearside and offside of cars. We car drivers have to have eyes in the back of our heads sometimes. Yes I have nearly knocked off a cyclist passing me on the inside -only because I was moving over to the left to give a bit more room to some motor bike nutter who was blasting up on the right hand side whilst negotiating his way past all the standing rush hour traffic. Why don't cyclists over take properly on the right?

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Cyclists rightly worry about going outside of moving traffic, as getting back in can be risky if the traffic speeds up. I overtake on the outside if it's safe, but I will stay inside moving traffic, and rely on my ability to react if someone cuts in. It works for me. It annoys me when cyclists cut red lights though. Gives us all a bad name.:mad:

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Yep car drivers can be a right pain they get annoyed if you filter thro traffic and some of them take it upon themsrlves to try and stop you. I dont know why because bikers doing this wont cause the car drivers to get home any later so a lot of em sre just plain inconsiderate. As for the a**hole who cut briano up last night I think he got off very lightly well done briano for keeping your temper. Normally the lexus driver would be needing at least 2 wing mirrors once they discharged him from the hospital lol.

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