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Help stop dog killings in China due to 2008 Olympic Games


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Please help dogs in China!!


Especially the "large" dogs---those taller than 35cm in height!


The Beijing Government is now launching to arrest dogs just because of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game. The officers in Beijing thought that the "large" dogs will affect the games! They are going to arrest them and ask the owners to pay ransom, even for dogs with a permit!! (In China, all dogs should have to be registered and the registration fee is very high compared with the income of the Chinese.)


The Beijing Government is now arresting the dogs in the capital and will soon spread to all cities in China. All the dogs owners are living in a dreadful atmosphere. Not only the owners of the big dogs, but also small dogs that are already licensed.


Please help us to spread news of this tragedy in China to the world, especially the International Olympic office because we do not believe that the Olympic Games must be played over the blood of dogs.


We love our babies, these beautiful dogs, and we will fight for them. Please help us and support us.


linky - http://www.gopetition.com/sign.php

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Oh My God.

I thought this didn't make sense and couldn't possibly be true, so did some googling...

I am so totally shocked that IT IS TRUE!!! :rant:

Absolutely disgusting.


Here are some other sites for info:





That second site has many links to various petitions on this matter at the bottom of the page.


I feel sick :cry:

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The account of an ex-dog owner posted on another forum:



Beaten to death?


My google search also turned up the 'chinese love of dog'... as a food stuff, and waste pelts manufactured into clothing, and a bizzare olympic games for animals :confused:


I've already nearly been banned from this forum for posting a link to an article on their human autrocities - so you can imaginge the level of those :shakes:

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There is a restaurant in Beijing that boasts to killing 2000 cats a night for food.


The way they are killed is beyond any torture that I could ever imagine.


To say it is disgusting is so massive an understatement it is almost offensive. What type of human beings could do this?:rant:

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