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What's your best and worst autobigraphy you have read?


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Got to admit I'm not really into autobiographies so I've not read many. The best one I've read is definitely "Have a Nice Day" by Mick Foley. Yes, he is a wrestler, but the book is tremendous. He wrote it all himself and you get a real feel for what he is about, how funny he is, and how much pain he's put himself through. Highly recommended, you don’t need to be a wrestling fan to enjoy it, you just need a sense of humour.

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Good - Jimmy White. How he grew up around snooker halls and skimmed fruit machines to get stake money for snooker games is brilliant. How he survived going out with Alex Higgins is anyones guess.


Howard Marks - Mr Nice Is a must read book. A guy that became so big in smuggling that he was bringing in dope "by the tonne" I loved the fact that some of the bogus businesses he set up to launder money ended up being so profitable he couldn't use them for drug money. It shows that had he wanted to go straight he could still have been a rich man. GET THIS BOOK



Bad - Hallie Berries was so bad my girlfriend couldn't finish it. Bill Clintons i'm struggling with. Its interesting but Soooooooo long.

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