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Flu vaccination for asthmatics - any personal experiences?


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I have asthma, though very mildly and the symptoms normally only manifest in response to certain allergens, for example during the hayfever season. I use the blue reliever inhaler infrequently, and haven't had to use the brown inhaler for some time.


I've received a letter from my GP's surgery recommending that as an asthmatic, I should have the flu vaccination.


Has anyone had the flu vaccination recently? What was your experience of it? Any side effects? What are fellow asthmatics' experiences of having the flu vaccination? Have any other people with only mild asthma had the flu vaccination, or have you managed to get through a bout of flu with no additional ill effects?

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The reason you're being asked to have the flu jab is because of the complications flu can cause to some asthma sufferers.


I'm diabetic, and have had a flu jab for the past four years, and am due to have this year's very soon. The reasons for having it are the same as for asthma sufferers. I haven't actually had full-blown flu in that time, but have had very heavy colds and virus infections that can make me feel really ill, but that's only usually when I'm run down, e.g. I became anaemic last year, and went down with one nasty cold after another until it was picked up. I've had no side effects from the flu jab itself.


I also had the pneumococcal vaccination in 2001, which is supposed to last for life, so it may be worthwhile enquiring about that when you make the appointment for your flu jab, which imo you should have.

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I'm mildly asthmatic. I get through a blue inhaler about once every 6 months which is a major improvement on how I used to be. I've had a flu jab for the past 6-7 years and have never once suffered any ill effects. You are lucky to have got an invite to have one. They are running short here and I've been told I'm no longer priority.


A cautionary note: I spoke to two asthmatics last night who'd had a jab this year and both suffered flu type symptoms for a few days. Every year its a different vaccine so you never can tell. If offered I'd have it tomorrow

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I didn't get one last year because my surgery ran out. I haven't had one this year because the surgery doesn't yet have any vaccine and the situation isn't looking good again. My house mate has been told that due to the vaccine shortage this year, simply being asthmatic will not qualify him for a flu vaccination at his surgery.


The government promised that after last year's farce they would sort it out and there wouldn't be any problems this year, but year in year out it's the same old story.

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Thank you for the advice and information. I'm rather inclined to decline the invitation (the letter has a slip to send back to the surgery if you don't want to take up the offer). I feel that with the vaccine shortage, I might end up depriving someone of a jab whose asthma is much more severe than mine.


I've had flu since being diagnosed with asthma and although it was hardly a pleasant experience, I don't think I suffered more than any non-asthmatic would with a similar bout of flu.


I think I'll give the surgery a ring and ask them their advice, and about whether they anticipate a vaccine shortage here.

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I'm asthmatic and have had a flu jab ever since getting flu one winter caused my normally stable asthma to go into meltdown (requiring oral steroids) for 6 months before it stabilised again.


If there isn't a shortage of vaccine, I'd recommend having the jab to anyone that can have it. The only down side for me is that I have to have it in my leg because I only have one working arm and I can't risk having an achy arm (cos that would mean I was unable to dress and do basic things for myself). This year's jab did cause quite a lot of swelling at the injection site for a couple of weeks, but it was still worth it in my book.

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I had the vaccination last Saturday morning, and have had it for about 5 years now.


The first time, I had mild 'flu symptons lasting a couple of days. Since that time I have had no reaction to it at all.


I have not had a serious cold since I have been having the vaccine. I discussed this fact a couple of weeks ago with the nurse at the local surgery whilst having a breathing check test. She told me that with successive vaccinations the body seems to build up its resistance to infections by colds in quite a few people.


In fairness I should say that family members avoid visiting if they are suffering from colds. though.


(Maybe they avoid visiting by claiming a cold on occasions! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:)

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I've had flu since being diagnosed with asthma and although it was hardly a pleasant experience, I don't think I suffered more than any non-asthmatic would with a similar bout of flu.


Same here, I had the flu and it was pretty horrible, but it didn't realy effect my asthma. I've had the flu jab for the last couple of years, but my doctors have made it so bloody difficult to get the jab that I've just not bothered this year.

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I told the doctor last year that I very very rarely use an inhaler (only if I have a really bad cold) so last year didn't have it. This year I've got a postcard telling me to ring surgery to book an appointment. I rung the surgery and spoke to the doctor and said if there was a shortage did I really need to have one. She said I needed it because asthma has left my chest weak. So I suppose she knows best and I'm booked in for next week

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I'm mildly asthmatic, and have the flu jab... i know docs say that the jab cant give you the flu but i always feel aches and pains after the jab... it doesnt make my asthma any worse.... have the jab if its offered.

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