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Anyone interested in starting a reading group S11?

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This sounds like a great idea! I studied English Literature at University and since graduating I really miss discussing novels, poetry, films and all the rest. I love it when people are passionate about a subject and get a kick out of nothing more than the beauty of language.


Count me in! :thumbsup:

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thanks for the reply, sorry if the S11 is a bit exclusive, only because I don't drive myself so I tend to think a bit parochially! Will try to post in the writing group, its all cultural innit! when there are enough of us we could arrange a meet.

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hmm, postcode aside i might be interested... depending on when the meets were. you might all get to listen to babybabychicken's insightful comments on literary matters, too.


promise me nobody would try to make me read any 'girly' books with quirky pictures on handbags or shoes on the front...

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