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considering starting a cage loaning scheme


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I've been mulling this over for a while....


I've been asked about loaning cages several times, and have borrowed one myself in the past, and have only been able to take in stray dogs overnight thanks to having a cage at my disposal, so.....


I was considering keeping cages available for loan (for a nominal fee-to be donated to a pet charity) to forumers who wish to introduce a new pet to the household, have an injured pet, have taken in a friend's pet in an emergency or want to test out this crating theory before taking the plunge of spending a wad of cash on a cage


Does anybody think this would be of any use?


Does anybody have a cage cluttering the place up that they would be happy to donate to such a scheme?


Would anybody be prepared to make a small donation to help with the purchase of suitable cages?



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Sounds like an excellent idea - the only thing I would say is infection control. We lost one of our moggies to FIV some years ago and that's a 'scrub the place with disinfectant and pray' sort of illness.


I think you'd definitely want to have something in place to ensure that only teh cages are loaned - everyone supplies their own bedding.

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Or perhaps spare cage owners would like to be on a register for loaning their own out?


I know from experience that I would be happy to loan out a cage of Brude's for a couple of weeks, but it is one we use, so I'd be happy to be registered but wouldn't donate (if somebody else was setting up this scheme)



Thanks Lindsey :)

If we dicide this is a goer, I'll give you a ring to arrange collection :)

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Any idea if disinfectant is efficient in despatching FIV or if something stronger is needed Joe? :(


I think I'll give bedding loans a miss though - some people believe cats/dogs go hand in hand with fleas :gag:


Off the top of my head I couldn't say - we were told to get rid of baskets and such and give 6 months before new cats. This was 10 years ago - things have probably changed. I'm sure a vet would know!

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sounds like a great idea. Can you use them a mini prisons. They'd be good if the cells get full at the local nick. lol. :hihi:


on a serious note I think its a good idea as the cages do cost an absolute arm and leg. Ill ask at work if anyone want to donate. :D

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