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Kung fu, Where and When???


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There’s not that muck kung fu in Sheffield but I have a class just outside http://www.mfcba.co.uk



7 star praying mantis 7.30pm

wing chun 8.30pm



Weapons 6.30

7 star praying mantis 7.30pm

Sanda (Chinese kickboxing) 8.30pm



Wing Chun+ Mantis open session 10am



7 Star Praying Mantis in Doncaster 1.30




what style do you do?????

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Is that fella from Sheff Uni still doing his stuff down at the gym opp. the Central Library? Not Peter (who does long fist), the other chap... who does wu zhu (dont ask me what the difference, it looked the same to wushu...)

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