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Moblity scooters don't they annoy you?

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actually, I find the scootas a godsend, seeing as I struggle with my mobility.


and we've done the grumbling about scootas, AND the issue of people using them receiving adequate training within this thread:-




and I explained, at length, that the scootas we hire out to our service users are not sent out until we are confident that the person is confident in using the machines.

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I have been hit a couple of times in shops by twits on these things.


Fine idea but training is needed so they don't make you need one as well.

I have, as I said, been hit twice and in both cases the person who hit me blamed me for standing in the wrong place.


Must try that when I'm driving my van past one. I'll give them a bump and tell them they were driving in the wrong place.

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