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Children and crafting


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My little sister likes felting, she does needle felting and wet felt, she has recently been making felted beads on three pencils.



I'd go with that too. My kiddies love wet felting and making beads/marbles. Fork knitting, weaving, cutting and sticking(don't they all), junk modelling (not my favourite at all..lol)...........

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I've never heard of that one!


My kids enjoy the usual painting and sticking but are now getting into card making and stitching. They have made models with fimo before too and really enjoyed that. Wouldn't mind teaching them something new though :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had two much younger brothers when I was in my teens (still got them too ;) ), but saturdays was my day to mind them, and we dug out the messy stuff :thumbsup:


We particularly liked the papier mache landscape for some warhammer type game they'd got into, complete with caves and other random lumpy features :)


Kids love getting messy :P and once we'd done the papier mache, we got to paint it too :banana:



The table decs we did for christmas, stealing mum's egg cups for candle holders, were much admired in a 'which shop did you buy those in' kind of way - which isn't bad going for a 4yr old and a 2yr old


We also turned margarine lids into pictures - painting the edges, then cutting the photo's to exactly fit the flat top within

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