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Do you forget to clear space in your PM box?


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I hope that's not all hate-mail Joe, - surley you must get some 'thank you' letters ;)




Actually, I tend to print out the nice ones to remind me why I do the job. :) There just aren't taht many of them!!


The hate mails tend to be longer than the nice ones as well. :)

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I've got a lot - I've stored them in such a way that I can search through them and because I save them as XML I can display them in a nice format for when I need to read them.


It's a couple of Mb on disk!

I think I need a tutorial :rolleyes:

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Actually, I tend to print out the nice ones to remind me why I do the job. :) There just aren't taht many of them!!


The hate mails tend to be longer than the nice ones as well. :)


I've sent you some of those PMs in my time JoeP.


Edit: nice ones though! :hihi:

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I've sent you some of those PMs in my time JoeP.


Edit: nice ones though! :hihi:


Actually, I've had some really great PMs from folks - really nice. I've also had the equivalent of letters written in miniscule handwriting, in green ink, that spread over 15 pages of A4. :)


The part I DO forget to empty is the 'Sent' folder - I'm usually pretty good at clearing out the received stuff but the Sent stuff just piles up.

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My PM box is never full. The only time people bother to contact me there is to tell me that Im in dire need of psychiatric assistance.


You fibber Jabberwocky! I sent you a PM once asking how I find the route up Bardon Hill, near where you live!


This forgetfulness on your part is worrying - maybe you are in need of psychiatric assistance after all! :hihi:





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My PM box is never full. The only time people bother to contact me there is to tell me that Im in dire need of psychiatric assistance.


I'll never understand people's reluctance to state the obvious in open forum Jabbers, - why telling me I'm a dozy old sod needs to be done privately is beyond my ken :hihi:

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You fibber Jabberwocky! I sent you a PM once asking how I find the route up Bardon Hill, near where you live!


This forgetfulness on your part is worrying - maybe you are in need of psychiatric assistance after all! :hihi:





I hope the reply I sent to you reached you? and I hope you made the horrific climb :D


I DO remember the pvt because it was the last sane one I ... actually it was the ONLY sane one i ever recieved.

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