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Help needed: bullied guinea pig


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I’ve had my 2 male guinea pigs for about 5-6 months now and they've been fine all up until recently when one of them started bullying the other. The culprit guinea pig fidget has been chasing the other off every time he tries to go for food, hay or water and just sometimes for no reason when he’s lying down. My other guinea pig has taken to climbing and hiding on top of his house most of the day and maybe night. Fidget also lunges at him and has even caused him injury by doing this. Both being male I knew there was a chance that they might fight but they are both brothers and have been together since born so I was told that there would be a better chance of them having the odd scrap but nothing too bad. Since this started it seems to have got worse and fidget is really giving the other a hard time, has anyone got any tips for me to try as I don’t want to get rid of one. And as far as splitting them up is concerned I don’t have the room for another cage as I already have another guinea pig housed.:help:

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Another option if it gets very serious of course is *whispers* getting their bits chopped off


However as baileys_mum says, all pairs of guineas appear to 'bully' each other every so often, and unless they're actually full on going for each other or drawing blood it shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

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I would't seporate them personally. It sounds to me like one is just asserting his self as piggies often do. I wouldn't seporate them until its absolutely necessary eg blood drawn.


This has happened once, my other one fudge ended up with a cut ear, i had to sit and bathe it.

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I would persivere make sure the cage is big enough for the two to keep out of each others way. Chances are they are hitting puberty so are just getting the heirachy sorted.


A nipped ear isnt anything to worry over really, If it gets to the point where there pulling hair out of each other and making massive holes in each other then intervene

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Yeah, ive been thinking about how i would do it, its a pretty big cage ment for a rabbit


What we did was insert a plywood partition down the middle, we used small pieces of wood screwed onto the side to support the plywood and it worked well, only prob was the piggies liked chewing the plywood!

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i have had this probkem with buns. i divided the hutch in two until they were neutered but one caused damage to the others ears through the divider! They are both now in seperate hutches recovering from the op and awaiting bonding with a female. What sex is the other guinea you have? Could you bond that with one of the two that are fighting and have a bit of a reshuffle?

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