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Way in to Social Work


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Hi, Can anyone advise me on ways to get in to social work. I have just graduated - but my degree is in English Lit - (We don't always know what we want to do with out lives when we make our degree choices!) Anyway, I have been mentoring a teenager in care who has learning difficulties for the past 6 months on a voluntary basis, and I would really like a career in Social Work.


What are my options? Obviously I have left Uni with the usual debt and ideally would like to train or do a second degree whilst working - is this possible? I have been getting a lot of conflicting information. Any sound advice would be much appreciated.

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Well you should be able to do an MA in social work rather than an undergrad. I don't think they're specific about what undergrad you have. You should also be able to do it part time. The other option is seeing if you can get on the fast track scheme, which means you get paid a wage through you MA and in return you have to work 2 yrs in statutory social work. It's competitive but not impossible. I know they don't advertise widely but if you have a hunt you should be able to find out about applying.

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Thanks Clarelou,


Any ideas where I should start looking. I have asked Sheffield City Council but they weren't really able to help very much. I also went to a job fair but the four different council workers I spoke to each gave me a different answer. I am prepared to do start anywhere and work my way through but it really seems very difficult

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You would have to keep your eye on the Sheffield Job shop and they hardly ever come up. I know someone who is doing this MA whilst working for the council now and I think there was a lot of competition and only 2 posts.

Another friend applied to do the MA part-time at Sheffield Hallam so she could get a job as well but didn't get on as you need to have a 2:1 in your first degree.

You can do another undergrad degree in social work and do it part-time so you can work too, but this will take you about 4 years!

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I suppose if you read a thread about becoming anything there will always be someone who has an axe to grind about how they have had a bad deal or a bad experience with that profession, if you have the right qualities and can do the job then go for it. I did see that there were some Social work jobs in Rotherham advertised in last Thursday’s Star which might be worth having a go for. I note you have been mentoring a teenager so from that is it Children and Families social work you want to do or have you thought about elderly persons social work? Perhaps a look on here might help http://www.socialworkforum.org.uk/ good luck

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Thanks everyone. I will keep looking. It could be that it is not for me in the end but at the moment I really feel that it is what I want to do. I would like to work with teenagers or adults with learning difficulties, but would not rule out workng with the elderly. Cheers.

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