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Where can I get cardboard boxes?

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Can anyone suggest a handy source for carboard boxes in a variety of sizes, madium to large? Preferably for free!


I do a fair bit of selling on eBay and I'm always stuck to find the right size of carton. Once they were available from supermarkets, but now they crush and recycle them to make some money and meet their legal targets,



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Sandwich shops?/Cafe's You could try Staples? I T Firms tend to have quite alot to get rid of as they do packaging too but worth a try,


I have a few due to moving home, but Retford may be a little far our for you to travel to,

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I also sell a fair few bits on eBay, and whenever i need boxes i pick some up from the 24 hour Tesco.


Im sure they do crush the boxes eventually, but time it right and you are in box heaven. When i go, usually between midnight and 2am, they are stocking the shelves and there are huge piles of them in all shapes and sizes in nearly every aisle.


As long as you dont might your items arriving in boxes that say "36 cans of dried shrimp" on the side.

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