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Has anyone heard of tony robbins?

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I know a bit about him, why are you asking?

I know someone that has worked with him and a few people who have been to one of his seminars and really had good results from it.

I have read a bit of his stuff and quite like some of what he says, but I do get a bit put off by the importance he seems to place on monetary items, and making millions. But apart from that I think he does some good stuff.

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if u have heard of him, have u used any of his material and is it any good?

also what do you think of him?


Yeah, I've heard of him - he's been very popular in the States for some time now as a motivational guru/life coach type of person.


I don't rate life coaches very highly myself, so I've no idea how good or otherwise Mr Robbins is at what he does.



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Yeah, I've heard of him - he's been very popular in the States for some time now as a motivational guru/life coach type of person.


I don't rate life coaches very highly myself, so I've no idea how good or otherwise Mr Robbins is at what he does.





Yes hes a Life Coach. In other words he gives you a superior "Pep" talk.Hes made millions himself out of this.

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im just asking to see weather his stuff actually works, or is it basically a scheme to make him money, regardless weather the customer benefits or not.


both i reckon


his ideas make him money, but if they didn't work then word wud get about and noone cud come to his lectures - friend of mine went to see him at wembley arena i think - if he cann sell that out then at several hundred pounds per ticket then he must be saying something useful

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Tony Robbins was one of the "known aliens" in Men in Black that are allowed to live on earth, but are being monitored by the agency after Will Smith swears his third grade teacher had to be from Venus. I think they're right, too.


:) Sierra

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