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Noise on Ecclesall Road

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I know this thread has been done before but it needs airing again. I am fed up to the back teeth of the noise people make on Ecclesall Road making their merry sloshed way home at night. I am Mr. tolerant and don’t know if it’s the noise level that has got worse or the fact that my new job has me up at 6 for the drive to Leeds. Being honest it’s probably the later, but it seems worse.


I know people will shoot this bit down but the majority of them have got to be students. If you go on the proportion of people living round there, then proportionately it will the same for the noise makers. The ones last night were I imagine students as they chanted “City, City” going up Ecco Road at 2:45 am and this is on a Sunday night/Monday morning!!


Didn’t the Uni have a campaign for students to be respectful going home at night to the residents? That seems to have been about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.


Who can I speak to??

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To be perfectly honest you should get used to it very quickly, then you will not notice it any longer. My mate had a flat at heeley bottom and when he first moved in he was woken up by rowdy behaviour almost every night, but before long it didn't disturb him at all.


I used to live opposite a large petrol station ( on ecclesall road! ) and the first night I woke up to a horrible clanging noise like some vision of hell, I found out it was the petrol delivery removing some manholes, they did it every other day and I never noticed it again even if it was in the middle of the night with my bedroom window open.

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i lived on cemetery road most of my life. drunken students were a nightmare. shouting screaming ,urinating and being sick on steps at bottom of path. whats worse takeaway food all over car , mirrors and wipers kicked off . kicking bins over was a must for them . ........its not going to be much fun for people when the accomaditions is finally built near waitrose.:mad:

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Well I dealt with it by moving out of the area! Sad but true. I tried all kinds of things to blot out the cacophony while still living there though and can vouch for the power of simple ear plugs - just remember to set your clock radio at nuclear volume or you won;t get woken up next morning. :thumbsup:


It must be much worse now that pubs are open later - at least way back when I was there you knew that the noise would die down after about 11pm on a Sunday. And yes, I was a student once too, and I know I made a lot of noise and often acted like an idiot, so I know that a lot of students do make noise. It's beer. It turns the volume up on life.

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Revisiting this subject. I have to agree.

I loved living on ecclesall road when I was a student, it was a great atmosphere.

However, I soon left when I started working. Because keeping regular hours and getting up early in the morning for work wasn't compatible with a loud party starting 5 doors down at 4am.


I moved to Woodseats shortly after I started working for a living, and I would do the same again.

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Education for all,theres your problem! lets face it 50% of them do not really warrant further education.Lower interlect idle types at University.............Bad news,should be doing manual work,instead of immigrants.Conned by this government into thinking they have a brain,lots have of course but an increasing amount fall short in the grey matter stakes.Ecclesall road is testimony to lowlife,low iterlect bad behavior from students (mostly Hallam) I should Know ,I have lived on Ecclesall Road for 28 years.The universities or the government have no interest in policing this massive money making business,they should be ashamed,locals should not have to live with it.

Bring them down to Ecclesall road and its side streets most nights,to experience the noise ,filthy gardens,and drunkeness.

And make no mistake student term times are when it all happens

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Education for all,theres your problem! Lower interlect idle types at University.............Bad news.Should be doing manual work,instead of immigrants.Conned by this government into thinking they have a brain,most have of course but an increasing amount fall short in the grey matter stakes.Ecclesall road is testimony to lowlife,low iterlect bad behavior from students (mostly Hallam) I should Know ,I have lived on Ecclesall Road for 28 years.The universities or the government have no interest in policing this massive money making business,they should be ashamed.

Bring them down to Ecclesall road and its side streets most nights,to experience the noise ,filthy gardens,and drunkeness.

And make no mistake student term times are when it all happens


I find your post ignorant, rude and incredibly offensive.


I am not a genius by any means, but I have worked hard and managed to get myself into, and through the first two years, of my first choice university. Without "education for all" type policies, I would never have had the chance to do this because I would never have been able to afford it otherwise, and many others like me - and often cleverer - would miss out on further education.

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