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BT internet 22/11 @ 6pm


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If you are on BT internet are you getting your emails ok??


I am getting them on the webmail fine, I cant bring them into the pc as its saying mail.btinternet.com not found - its saying this on all my bt internet accounts.


Any ideas?

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I couldnt get into the bt service pages yesterday either which is why i thought i had a problem with bt.


I could use webmail fine, it was using my email program on the pc.


But when I came to shut down my laptop the start button wouldnt work!!


Im sure i will see what happens tonight.


Thanks for your help!

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If you were trying to access the internet/mail via your BTYahoo log in, it was failing for us too. Just fire up a normal IE window and paste that URL in (see previous hyperlink). This will at least tell you if it's BT that's knacked, or if it's your PC/intenet connection that got a fault.

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Open a command prompt and try pinging the server


Start -> Run -> type 'cmd' and press enter -> type 'ping mail.btinternet.com' and press enter


That will try pinging the server 4 times so you'll get 4 'answers' which will either be replies or a failure such as 'request timed out'


If it says it couldn't find host try typing 'ping' and press enter.


Let us know the outcome and we can take it from there :)

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Ping statistics for

Packets sent =4 received =4 lost 0


Im none the wiser but no failure or time out - and that was to mail.btinternet.com so i assume i dont need to use the number as thats the number it returned anyway.





PS this is the error on the program Keylib error: #15 -> FILE MISSING

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