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Anyone remember silks bar??


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does anyone have any fond memories of silks bar (underneath cairos)??.


spent quite a few saturday nights in there getting 'ammered' on £1 bottles of fosters (14 is the record).


One night in particualr springs to mind....got that tanked up that my mates decided to get a young bird around 16 yo to give me a few bites on the neck which i didnt notice until the morning and then tried to convince my girlfriend at the time that it wasnt my fault i was set up!!!


needless to say, she didnt let me go out with my mates ever again!!!!


what was the big burly bouncers name that stood at the door and legged it into the bar, knocking over whoever was in the way, to sort out a fight???

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my best memory of silks is one night when they played "house of pain" "jump around" every one was hammerd on the pound bottles and the whole place was really jumping around.. never seen before or after when every one was up and dancing.top night.....

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