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Dilemma: help needed (cat 'hygiene' problems)


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i need advice on what i should do: i got a kitten 4 years ago next week, it doesnt go out at all. it stays in my middle daughters bedroom all the time apart from at night when it comes down stairs for the night. over the last 6 months it has been peeing everywhere in the wash basket (with washing in it) the dog feed bowl, the bath and now it has started pooing in the bath room we have tried putting another cat litter tray upstairs which hasnt worked. i am now getting really fed of of it, and it making the house smell do i get rid of her or do i try and persit. it would break the kids hearts if i had to get rid, as the cat will not go to any one apart from my daughter it is a real scary cat. we have got 2 other cats which we have no problems with, and a dog aswell as the 2 horses.

what should i do?:(

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I think your other cats and the dog could well be the problem here. it seems your kitten is lacking in confidence and only venture down stairs when it feels it may be safe (when the other animals have settled). toileting in undesirable places can also be another sign of stress. no easy answer to it unfortunatly. It could improve with time (have you had him four years or four weeks?). also if hes male (you dont say in your post) and hes old enough, he could be 'spraying' (territory marking). Not a big cat expert, but sure someone on here may be able to give you more advice

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I think you should persist. You bought the cat expecting to keep it through the hard times didn't you?


Have you cleaned the area that she goes in thoroughly so she can't smell it anymore? Have you got the cat checked over by a vet? New behaviours can occur when there is an underlying medical problem. I think you can also get something to put in the litter tray to attract them to it.

Medusa should be able to give you more advice than me, or (dare I say) try one of the cat forums for advice as they often help with behavioural issues.


Please persist - the cat is obviously part of the family now and there could be an underlying reason why it's doing this - it needs dedication right now - not to be gotten rid of.

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we had had the cat for 4 years she is female we love her to bits and she is part of the family i never thought about it could be a medical problem

she has always been scared ever since we got her from a private home 4 years ago even the kids say that i treat them better then them

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both of ours are scaredy cats, one hates being handled. Because this is a new thing with no obvious reason, I'd suggest getting it checked out with the vet just to be sure. Then you can rule it out and work out how to deal with it from a behaviour point of view.


Is she spayed? How old was she when you got her?


Other than that - I'm not sure so will let medusa advise you :D

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it might be worth looking at someting called a feliway diffuser, it lets off a pheromone similar to the one let off by the mother after giving birth, it helps to calm cats down, i had a similar problem after rehoming an elderly cat and worked wonders, it can take a while and u must persist, u should be able to get one off the internet or from ur vet. Also good for fireworks!!!


but it is always advisable to see ur vet anyway to make sure nothing else is going on and maybe even talking to a cat behaviourist.


it is also advisable to have 1 litter tray per cat +1 stops problems with territory probs etc

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Is the second litter tray in your daughter's room where only she has access to it? I ask this because I have a cat that lives in the sitting room and only ventures out to eat. She started dirtying in the sitting room and that turned out to be because she could not get to the tray because one of the others was guarding it.


The guarding cat incidentally also started to dirty in weird places and he did indeed have cystitis and also turned out to be constipated as well, so he was being caught short and using the nearest receptacle (the bath, one of my shoes, the bed ....)

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