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Health Visitors, Your Opinions.

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WARNING: Rant coming up!


The management of the Sheffield Health Visitor service is utterly incompetent.


It really is this. I have a lot of inner knowledge of the health visiting service. The Health Visitors are all pretty much excellent and a lot have refused promotion because they want to stay on the clinical side. I won't mention areas and especially not names but it is a post lottery on quality of care. Newly trained Health Visitors aren't staying because the job is awful, others are seeing out until their retirement or hoping on early redundancy, the bad ones are being promoted out of the way. They'll be a major shortage soon as they are already stretched and it's not unknown for some HVs to work another 20 hours a week just to catch up. HVs have my up most respect and if there is one thing that parents can do to help is be there for the appointment, because it's a waste of clinical hours that could be saving a Baby P if not (proved not any HVs fault btw before anyone gets facts wrong).

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My daughter has no understanding and speech skills - "Look Mummy, the postman has bought you some mail from Boots!" - My advantage card update just came through the psot. Stupid HV :hihi:

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WARNING: Rant coming up!


The management of the Sheffield Health Visitor service is utterly incompetent.


It's so depressing having to deal with these people who are so concerned about their own departmental structures and what they are and aren't responsible for that they lose sight of the very children they should be supporting!


Basically child sat at home waiting to start nursery for over a month but can't because health visitors and school nurses are arguing about who should provide support. Not getting anywhere sorting this out!


So much for 'Every Sheffield Child Matters'


It's simple

If it is reception age it's school nurses

If its prior to this, which sounds like it is as you said nursery, it is health visitors.

Health records are held with health visitors and have responsibilty for children until the enter reception at school. If health visitors are saying it is school nurses they are wrong (unless you mean reception class in which case it absolutely is the school nures) and you are absolutely right the health visitor managers should be sorting that out straight away, it is not good enough a child has not been in nursery for a month when it really is that simple.

Health visitors and school nurses are managed by childrens hospital now. Call them and ask to speak to the departmental head


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This thread makes me a little sad. I'm a community nursery nurse that works with the health visitors. I do appreciate that you have good and bad experiences but dont tar everyone with the same brush. They don't go by text book but years of experience, all are trained nurses then some gone onto be midwives before completing extra training to be a health visitor. In my opinion it dosnt matter whether they have children are not as they are not coming to you as a parent but as a health professional. I support parents around behaviour, sleep, toilet training etc and although currently pregnant do not have children. I do however have qualifications and experience that have helped me to support alot of families. Everyone is different, for me I give parents up to date advice, guidance and support and then a parent can make a choice based on that guidance. And although it's not your problem as parents the health visiting service is so stretched and health visitors do work alot of unpaid hours so that they can but clients first xx

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