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What's missing from mainstream media?

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Its just News, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your so gullable.


Lets answer your points:


First a little history: I used to be an IT specialist working for many of the Blue chip banks and financial institutions. My skill set : COBOL, CICS, DB2, TSO working on an IBM system 360. I used to play hockey for Sheffield Hockey Club at the weekends with Trevor Barber QC. I used to go to places like the Hacienda, Back to basics, Renaissance, Ministry of Sound and get completly wasted (not on alcohol).


When i was doing this highly paid job, i travelled the world. I was also into snowboarding, scubadiving, other sports, dancing and partying.


In 2000 the Illuminati decided to smash the middle classes in Europe and the USA to create their One world government (I didnt know this at the time) and my carreer was outsourced to India.



You mean mainframe computers became obsolete for huge numbers of organisations - IBM system 360 was long in the tooth well before 2000.



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i've been reading recently about alternative media of days gone by, like leeds other paper and spare rib magazine from the 80s and 90s that reported issues the mainstream press at the time weren't interested in.


It got me wondering what kind of topics people think the mainstream media today are neglecting to cover. Is there anything you wish you could read about in the paper or that you wish was getting more media attention?


If you were in charge of publishing a paper, what would you put in it?


factual news

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Its just News, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your so gullable.


Lets answer your points:


First a little history: I used to be an IT specialist working for many of the Blue chip banks and financial institutions. My skill set : COBOL, CICS, DB2, TSO working on an IBM system 360. I used to play hockey for Sheffield Hockey Club at the weekends with Trevor Barber QC. I used to go to places like the Hacienda, Back to basics, Renaissance, Ministry of Sound and get completly wasted (not on alcohol).


When i was doing this highly paid job, i travelled the world. I was also into snowboarding, scubadiving, other sports, dancing and partying.


In 2000 the Illuminati decided to smash the middle classes in Europe and the USA to create their One world government (I didnt know this at the time) and my carreer was outsourced to India.


I made a decision to destroy my TV set in 2002 as a way to change my lifes direction. I realised the TV was pure BS and didnt have any content worth watching.


Instead of being programmed by the TV i decided i would program myself.


Now ive got no money these are my hobbies:


Allotment gardening, cycling, art and crafts, carpentry, DIY.


I also study Law, Metaphysics, Quantum physics, History, electronics and politics.


I am also a member of a political party.




Big deal your a member of a political party..... Does that make you superior or something? What does you membership entitle you to except help whichever one it is increase their funding. Are you using your membership to do something good? Are you using your membership to encourage your leaders to take action on a worthy cause?


Big deal you used to do some IT work for banks...... and??? Does that suddenly make you an expert in media and broadcasting? Lots of people work in IT.


So your career was outsourced to india and you are clearly very bitter about it to the point of being deranged. Attacking the middle classes my butt. Its business. We have ourselves to blame for demanding nothing but the cheapest be it banking, retail, goods or services. Prices had to be crushed at all times, money had to be saved and staffing is often a big chunk of that money. Maybe people should be encouraged to use nothing but companies based in the UK, only buy UK made goods, only buy UK made electronics, only buy UK made cars....... of course it would cost more but hey, surely that wouldn't put people off.


If you are so intelligent why didn't you take that big brain of yours and do something else for a career. If you are studying your degrees put them to good use and find another job. Lots of other people's jobs were outsorced too.. They just seemed to have moved on and done something else. Its all about effort.


Now, banging on about your alleged studies aint impressing me. We can all do a bit of willy waving. I also have law and business degrees working in both public and private sectors dealing with everything from homeless emergency accommodation appeals to corporate tax law. I really do see how your alleged accademia makes you suddenly an expert in media.


Entertainment and social interaction comes in many forms. You clearly like the hands on practical stuff. Good for you. Other people like sport, some like electronic media and gaming and plenty of us like television. What's that got to do with you? You bang on about tv full of BS like that's a bad thing. Its bleedin obvious even to us regular dumb folk that 99% of television is made up, created, works of fictional art. That's how it works. You know just like books and movies. Why do you feel you should get on your high horse and act superior just because you got rid of your television.


Now, finally, back to my previous statement. Rather than just making a stupid comment why dont you and that big brain of yours actually give a response. I say the news does nothing more than give us a picture of what is potential going on out there. How we interpret and act upon it is down entirely to ourselves. It doesn't force events to happen. Its doesn't hypnotise you into doing something you would not already have in your head. So..... you think different right?

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Its doesn't hypnotise you into doing something you would not already have in your head. So..... you think different right?



Like Alan says, you sound like a TV, You talk like a TV and your square like a TV.







No one tells me to shut up!

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Like Alan says, you sound like a TV, You talk like a TV and your square like a TV.







No one tells me to shut up!


Naturally, you tube is the fount of all knowledge and people who watch TV believe everything on the box uncritically :rolleyes:

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Like Alan says, you sound like a TV, You talk like a TV and your square like a TV.







No one tells me to shut up!


.....and you say people who watch tv are the brainwashed ones. :roll: Congratulations two internet videos both works of unsolicited factless guff based someone else's thought and opinion (......hey just like 99% of say, television).


That's it? That's your counter argument.


I would stay away from the internet if I were you. Its clearly rotting your mind. Perhaps you should get stuck into one of those many studies you claim to be doing.

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Yes but some people think the twaddle on David Icke Forum is the truth - especially those that have a tendency to USE CAPITAL LETTERS for no good reason.







(a tiny random sample):cool:


Still stalking folk on the Internet Longcol I see.


Very odd your obsession with people that don't believe the tripe peddled by the MSM.


Russia Today ( freeview 85 ) has the excellent Keiser Report (he calls the IMF chief a "financial rapist" - can you imagine mainstream news doing that ?) and Cross Talk . They are also the only channel Julian Assange

( Wikileaks )trusted and went to , they broadcast his interviews . US just want him locked up and silenced in a big G4S -style prison where he'll never see the light of day again .


This morning they were reporting that , eg. if a woman in Egypt wants to get into politics she must be aged over 40 , and must have 30,000 signatures supporting her - THAT doesn't get mainstream cover though , does it ?


Some of it is a bit tedious , but no more so than mainstream channels .




Yes watch some RT and it soon becomes apparent how bias our own media is.

It's also far more interesting and entertaining than our UK news.

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That of course would be the russia today with its state ownership and completely pro-Kremlin bias, well documented for exaggerating facts to deliberately cause controversy , well documented for its support of various conspiracy therories and of course lets not forget its allegations of anti-western views and "marxist" radical commentry stance.


"news from a russian perspective" as their sale line goes.....


Entertaining is the right word. Its about as genunie a news source as The Day Today or KYTV.

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