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What's missing from mainstream media?

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Russia Today ( freeview 85 ) has the excellent Keiser Report (he calls the IMF chief a "financial rapist" - can you imagine mainstream news doing that ?) and Cross Talk . They are also the only channel Julian Assange

( Wikileaks )trusted and went to , they broadcast his interviews . US just want him locked up and silenced in a big G4S -style prison where he'll never see the light of day again .


This morning they were reporting that , eg. if a woman in Egypt wants to get into politics she must be aged over 40 , and must have 30,000 signatures supporting her - THAT doesn't get mainstream cover though , does it ?


Some of it is a bit tedious , but no more so than mainstream channels .

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I wouldn't know whats missing from mainstream media because i havnt had a television in 11 years and i dont read the comics they sell in newsagents either.


Mainstream media needs disbanding, anyone who's paying attention knows that they are just forms of mind control to keep the masses dumbed down and in line.


You will find out how bad they are when the monetary system collapses, Ive known that the dollar is going to collapse for over a year and a half now, because i search my own news instead of waiting to be spoon fed the news from the Fleet street masonic jokers.

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I wouldn't know whats missing from mainstream media because i havnt had a television in 11 years and i dont read the comics they sell in newsagents either.


Mainstream media needs disbanding, anyone who's paying attention knows that they are just forms of mind control to keep the masses dumbed down and in line.


You will find out how bad they are when the monetary system collapses, Ive known that the dollar is going to collapse for over a year and a half now, because i search my own news instead of waiting to be spoon fed the news from the Fleet street masonic jokers.


I assume you get your info from the same source that says there will be a fake Alien Invasion at the Olympics :hihi::hihi:



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Exactly right mate!!!


MSM (MainStream Media) is meant to keep people UNINFORMED of whats really going on and in a state of control!!


Pray do tell us what vital information we're missing that can be garnered from the David Icke Forum and the like.


A hollow moon (or some even claim a hollow earth)?


Fake alien invasions planned for just about every major televised event?

Every terrorist event in history was an inside job?

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I wouldn't know whats missing from mainstream media because i havnt had a television in 11 years and i dont read the comics they sell in newsagents either.


Mainstream media needs disbanding, anyone who's paying attention knows that they are just forms of mind control to keep the masses dumbed down and in line.


You will find out how bad they are when the monetary system collapses, Ive known that the dollar is going to collapse for over a year and a half now, because i search my own news instead of waiting to be spoon fed the news from the Fleet street masonic jokers.


I bet your house is a right laugh considering news is about 1% of televisions broadcasts.


What about factual documentaries, your precious conspiracy theory programming, entertainment, film, arts, music, watching DVDs, games consoles. That's all done through a television.


What on earth did you do before the internet (which btw has only been widely accessible to us regular joes for about 15 years or so) where were all your "own news" sources then? Did you read lots of alternative OPINION literature in the local library, did you meet up in little secret cults to discuss your theories and laugh at us regulars taking in the broadcast news programming??


Any tom dick and harry can draft a webpage, type some bile and class it as the "real truth" or "genuine facts" or anything in between. People like you come along and interpret as at the truth.


ALL news whether broadcast, printed, blogged or web based is compiled on a blurred version of events. You need to always keep in your mind NOBODY except the people there know what went on. A journalist turns up, see what they interpret with their own eyes and reports it, they gather some opinions from people who claimed to be there which is taken as just that - an opinion, they then gather some pictures from sources who claim to have taken them at the scene of the incident and have to rely on this as accurate, this is then nicely compiled and broadcast to the rest of us who then make our own opinion and interpretation of the event.


The news is and never will be some great power that can change the world, nor is it some master shaping the form of society. its just bloody news.

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I bet your house is a right laugh considering news is about 1% of televisions broadcasts.


What about factual documentaries, your precious conspiracy theory programming, entertainment, film, arts, music, watching DVDs, games consoles. That's all done through a television.


What on earth did you do before the internet (which btw has only been widely accessible to us regular joes for about 15 years or so) where were all your "own news" sources then? Did you read lots of alternative OPINION literature in the local library, did you meet up in little secret cults to discuss your theories and laugh at us regulars taking in the broadcast news programming??


Any tom dick and harry can draft a webpage, type some bile and class it as the "real truth" or "genuine facts" or anything in between. People like you come along and interpret as at the truth.


ALL news whether broadcast, printed, blogged or web based is compiled on a blurred version of events. You need to always keep in your mind NOBODY except the people there know what went on. A journalist turns up, see what they interpret with their own eyes and reports it, they gather some opinions from people who claimed to be there which is taken as just that - an opinion, they then gather some pictures from sources who claim to have taken them at the scene of the incident and have to rely on this as accurate, this is then nicely compiled and broadcast to the rest of us who then make our own opinion and interpretation of the event.


The news is and never will be some great power that can change the world, nor is it some master shaping the form of society. its just bloody news.


Its just News, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your so gullable.


Lets answer your points:


First a little history: I used to be an IT specialist working for many of the Blue chip banks and financial institutions. My skill set : COBOL, CICS, DB2, TSO working on an IBM system 360. I used to play hockey for Sheffield Hockey Club at the weekends with Trevor Barber QC. I used to go to places like the Hacienda, Back to basics, Renaissance, Ministry of Sound and get completly wasted (not on alcohol).


When i was doing this highly paid job, i travelled the world. I was also into snowboarding, scubadiving, other sports, dancing and partying.


In 2000 the Illuminati decided to smash the middle classes in Europe and the USA to create their One world government (I didnt know this at the time) and my carreer was outsourced to India.


I made a decision to destroy my TV set in 2002 as a way to change my lifes direction. I realised the TV was pure BS and didnt have any content worth watching.


Instead of being programmed by the TV i decided i would program myself.


Now ive got no money these are my hobbies:


Allotment gardening, cycling, art and crafts, carpentry, DIY.


I also study Law, Metaphysics, Quantum physics, History, electronics and politics.


I am also a member of a political party.



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Its just News, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your so gullable.


Lets answer your points:


First a little history: I used to be an IT specialist working for many of the Blue chip banks and financial institutions. My skill set : COBOL, CICS, DB2, TSO working on an IBM system 360. I used to play hockey for Sheffield Hockey Club at the weekends with Trevor Barber QC. I used to go to places like the Hacienda, Back to basics, Renaissance, Ministry of Sound and get completly wasted (not on alcohol).


So maybe all those stories about various scene drugs actually having long term effects including (amongst others) paranoia, may have some basis in reality?


In 2000 the Illuminati decided to smash the middle classes in Europe and the USA to create their One world government (I didnt know this at the time) and my carreer was outsourced to India.


Oh come on, the "attack" on the middle classes had been going on for decades by then. And outsourcing to cheaper workforces is one of the standard aspects of capitalism. It doesn't need a whole underground elite conspiracy to make bosses chose a cheaper option. Besides, if this was such a conspiracy, surelly the global nature of it would wish to prevent Indians from being so rapidly propelled up the classes?

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