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What's missing from mainstream media?

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I've been reading recently about alternative media of days gone by, like Leeds Other Paper and Spare Rib magazine from the 80s and 90s that reported issues the mainstream press at the time weren't interested in.


It got me wondering what kind of topics people think the mainstream media today are neglecting to cover. Is there anything you wish you could read about in the paper or that you wish was getting more media attention?


If you were in charge of publishing a paper, what would you put in it?

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Ha ha, from my leadlined invisible bunker, the truth!


Indymedia is a good place to look for such preposterous news items. A body could scare themselves to death with what really goes on :roll:


I'm with you there - papers these days seem to be more interested in "evidence" for whatever line they are pushing rather than news.


In particular though I would like to see a decent quality of science and technology reporting that isn't just "oh my god the worlds gonna end" or the latest medical scare story / over-hyped new drug.


More generally though a bit of reporting that doesn't seem to assume I have an IQ in the low teens and ADHD...

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News. That’s why its known as a news-paper.


Maybe I should have phrased that differently...


I meant if you were dissatisfied with the sorts of stories being covered by mainstream papers, or if you felt there were stories that weren't being told by regular newspapers. What would you add to the mainstream media?

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  • 5 years later...

Whats missing from MSM?????


People standing up saying WE ARENT GONNA REPORT THIS BS ANYMORE,WE ARE REPORTING THE TRUTH!!! (The elite would go crazy (Especially the US elite where MSM is so filtered the sheep are in a daze))

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Whats missing from MSM?????


People standing up saying WE ARENT GONNA REPORT THIS BS ANYMORE,WE ARE REPORTING THE TRUTH!!! (The elite would go crazy (Especially the US elite where MSM is so filtered the sheep are in a daze))


Yes but some people think the twaddle on David Icke Forum is the truth - especially those that have a tendency to USE CAPITAL LETTERS for no good reason.







(a tiny random sample):cool:

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Yeah, we got bin laden and chucked his body in the sea, we have no evidence of this but we wouldn't lie.... Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass dustruction and can 'get' us in 45 minutes.

Hosepipe ban during this great drought we're having...

Fear Fear Fear is all we get from the mainstream media, truth is forsaken for fear. The 'presstitutes' are just as much traitors as the politicians.

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