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Ex-Sheffield Hallam Uni Students?


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Hi There, I'm looking for ex-Sheffield Hallam Uni students to answer some questions for the student paper. We do an article every month entitled the "Graduate Interview". We ask the same questions, we need a photo (quite good quality) and a small factfile.


Obviously its only one a month, so really we're looking for people who have quite an interesting/unusual job or story. Not just; "I did a business degree and now i work in business, it's ok"


If anyone is interested can you post a few details here (about what you did, when, how its gone etc) and contact details.


Cheers guys.

Tom Roddison.

Assistant Editor - SHUprint

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Mattenmurg, the only thing we dont really want (as such) is very boring stuff, like uni then job and nothing.


If you went to uni and you've now worked at McDonalds for 4 years, we might be able to do something :P

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I don't have an unusual job (work in IT - though my degree was in Design & Technology and Education!), but did work in Iraq for six months in 2004, providing IT support to the British forces! By the end of my tour, I couldn't wait to get out - I was worried that some random mortar attack would get me for months afterwards I hated firework explosions!)

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