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You know you're on the forum too much when...

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You've definitely been on the Forum too long at that rate, Hecate! :D



Probably. But I was referring to some forumers' predictability :thumbsup: .

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Maybe it's just about having learned a little about what makes that person tick. ...

you see I knew you were going to say that :D .


Hi Stagey :wave: . Hope you're having a fab holiday. Now, get off that computer and on to the beach!

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You're on in the early hours, you've read everything, it was forty minutes since the last post, and you're still mindlessly clicking from section to section waiting for someone to say something. :hihi:


:hihi: That's exactly how I was at 3am this morning...the 'View New Posts' display didn't change in over an hour! :mad:

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