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Cold Hands and Bruises!

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Hiya I need to pick someones brain!


For the last few weeks I have had freezing but clammy hands and feet. I've also started bruising easier than usual...just titchy bruises, but usually It's really rare for me to get a bruise despite me being the clumsiest person I know! Am i been a hypochondriac or what?




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The fact that you felt the need to post this means your letting it play on your mind a little.

Next thing is you will start googling it and when that happens keywords will start to flash on the screen, usually bad things.

Your best off seeing a proper doctor who knows the score and not listen to armchair google doctors.

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Haha you're right, I am the ultimate worrier! Probably should see a doctor, in fact I was planning on making an appointment soon, just wondered if anyone had experienced the same thing, its funny cos if i turn the heating on my body is roasting but my feet stay icy!


I keep warming them up by getting my boyfriend to sit on them, but I don't suppose thats a long term solution lol :hihi:


A few people I have asked have mentioned poor circulation, thats probably all it is! I worry unecessarily lol:loopy:





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There are lots of medications that can affect your circulation, and lots of natural things too (like for instance, being menopausal or having a baby- both are hormonal and can affect both the circulation and the tendency to bruise).


However, if this persists or you have other odd things adding to your list of strange things happening, I think it's worth running it past your GP as there are a number of illnesses that can cause these symptoms too. I'm not going to start with the list, cos if it's something trivial, a full list of things that can cause these symptoms will only scare you!

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I'm not on steroids, but thanks for that thought,:) the only change in anything I can think of is the fact that i've come off the pill for a few months, but I doubt that would have anything to do with it...


I haven't had a baby or anything but you can't say something like that without giving me a list lol:o :hihi:

I'm sure it's probably nothing but it has been on my mind for a while so I'll try and get an appointment sometime next week, it's sooo difficult to get and appointment at my surgery though, thanks for the help :D




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Could be Raynauds phenomenon or Raynauds Syndrome but not sure about the bruising. That could be that your extremities go so purple/blue that you looked bruised.

I have Raynauds Phenomenon which is a small part of a condition that I have & I suffer particularly bad this time of year when the weather is changing so quickly.

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You may have something there dynamicdebz!:) Do you know if Raynauds is an inherited condition? My grandma has been diagnosed with Raynauds,and that's what she has suggested it might be, my hands don't really go blue like hers do, but maybe there are milder forms? I'm not sure, but it's something I can suggest to my doctor, I'll google it and see what it comes up with, thanks:)



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