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How Do You Clean Computer Keyboards?


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Boring- but I've been at it for the last half an hour and its driving me mad!! :mad: Do the keys come off? I daren't try because I'll probably break it and end up having to fork out for a new keyboard!


So far I have tried cotton buds and putting the edge of the duster in between. Someone must know a nifty trick :)

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i normally pull off all the keys, soak the keys for 30 mins in soapy water

whilst I clean the rest of the keyboard with something that can get in/round all the little areas..


then i'll wrap the keys up in a towel or something with a tie, and throw them in the tumble dryier with the rest of the washing, once theyer out, i'll put the keys back on.


be careful of Enter, Space, and the shift keys, there's a metal bar under them which can be a pain..

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What I do:


1. Turn upside down and bang out the toast crumbs

2. get strong paper towels, wet them, squeeze water out, and then clean the grime off the keyboard


and if it gets too bad :


3. splash out a couple of quid on a new one :thumbsup:

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