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Explain the resentment towards parents I've noticed recently, please.

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Recently I've noticed a great deal of resentment and dislike of parents on here. People using the perjorative 'breeders' to describe us, calling us selfish, smug, and many other unpleasant things.


At times I've been pretty disturbed by the tone - there seems to be some real bitterness and hatred out there for parents.


I'm not talking about the blame put on them for the bad behaviour of kids these days, etc, etc. There are plenty of other threads about that...I'm talking about a general dislike bordering on hatred towards anyone who has a child, simply because they have a child.




Biologically speaking - and financially speaking - it's imperative that we continue to have children (even if you think the human race should die out, I'm betting you hope that there are enough younger people around to support you when you grow too old to work).


Even if kids annoy you slightly because they're noisy and run around a lot, hatred seems a bit harsh.

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I've noticed it myself - I don't understand it, either.


Some folks may have their own 'issues' which they need to come to terms with, I guess.


I find the behaviour of some parents, like the behaviour of some non-parents, that I see in the streets to be grim, but that's no reason to damn everyone.


Having said that, there are some people who do seem to suggest that if you don't have kids you're selfish human beings who should be totally ashamed of yourself. And that any achievement that doesn't involve children is never as good as one that does involve a child.



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I think it's the way no-one is allowed to have an opinion about children unless they have some and the implication that no matter what anyone does it's not as great as having kids, "Climbed mount Everest ? try having a toddler then you'll know what tired is" that gets on peoples nerves.

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Some people do have that attitude though. It doesn't mean that us childless ones should generalise in response, but a lot of people seem incapable of not generalising.


It is pretty annoying to be told that I can't have an opinion on or about children since I don't have any. We've all at least had one extended experience involving children, when we were one.

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One thing I just don't understand is childless people who complain about having to pay tax for 'schools they don't use' and so forth as if being expected to pay for schools is like being asked to subsidise some bodies vintage sports car habit.


These people actually seem to think having children is simply some kind of a lifestyle choice or something that society has no collective interest in rather than an absolutely essential service on which the survival of British society depends.

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Nick's expressed my view on the smug issue.

Even if kids annoy you slightly because they're noisy and run around a lot, hatred seems a bit harsh.

Hatred is a bit harsh, though it's rather irritating to be regarded as a social pariah and all-round puppy-murdering bad guy in some circles because you express a dislike of children.

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To be honest, I think all parents deserve a medal,the ones that do the right thing & are proper parents that is.

I've got 2 of my grandchildren staying with me for a week, [12/15 years old]

God they've tired me out this last few days, I had forgotten what it was like to have NO privacy etc, I've noticed that kids don't know how to entertain themselves these days without their Ipods, portable DVD"S & of course the computer.

Am I right or have I become an old fart ?

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Personally I don't expect anyone to love my little bundles of joy in the same way that I do. I accept that some people have no interest in children and prefer the honesty rather than a pretence. I feel no kind of hatred for people who choose not to have children so find it hard to understand the intolernace and hatred aimed at people with children.


I have to dispute the experience thing though. Having been a parent and a non-parent does give the advantage on experience and only until you have children can you understand what it takes to raise a child. I don't think there can be any dispute of that and I make no apologies for saying it.


I can look back to my days when I didn't have children and see how much I've learnt from having them, tolerance being a big one.

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