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Idiots in theatres with mobile phones *rant*

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Ok, we went to see the Harold Pinter play tonight, "The Caretaker".


At the start of the performance, there was an announcement, over the tannoy.


"Will audience members please ensure that all mobile phones are switched off during the performance"


Now, precisely which bit of "switch your flaming phone OFF" do these window-licking lackwits not understand?


During the first half of the play, mobile phones went off at least FOUR times.


It's incredibly rude, and it's incredibly distracting for both the cast and the audience.


I wish the cast had done to these window-lickers what one famous actor did, in a London theatre a couple of years back.


This actor was in the middle of a performance, when an audience member's mobile phone rang. He calmly walked over to the culprit, and took the phone off them.


He said "Hello? Sorry, they can't talk right now, they are watching my play, at the theatre!"


classic, absolute classic.


If it had been up to me, I would have shoved the phone so far up their backsides, they'd need to use a toothbrush to dial the phone! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


So, to tonight's audience members who are so damn thick, that they do not know where the "Off" or "Silent" button is, on their mobile phones, I say...


You pig-ignorant, lame-brained nut-wits.. Can I suggest you might like to upgrade your brains to CRETIN setting? Either that, or, SOD THE HECK OFF HOME, AND DON'T COME WITHIN 100 MILES OF A THEATRE AUDITORIUM UNTIL YOU DISCOVER WHERE THE OFF SWITCH IS!!!!

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I agree entirely. I DETEST mobile phones intruding into normal everyday life. I'm from the generation where there was 2p phone boxes where you could reverse the charges to your parents if you were going to be late.


They are intrusive, rude and totally UNNECESSARY. We all managed without them the int he "olden days".

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Thanks Plain Talker!


I sincerely hope the theatre goers of Sheffield are all diligent SF lurkers and have taken note. I'm going to see the Caretaker tomorrow night, and if the same thing happens I might stand up and read out a print off of your entirely reasonable rant. :thumbsup:


I'm at the front, too, so I could hop onto the stage to deliver it. :clap:

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No only is it ignorant (but to these people ignorance is bliss)

But shows a lack of respect for the actors and other theatre users.

And a high degree of self-importance.

I'm not turning my phone off for anyone. I'm far too important for that ! Rant

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Well said Plain Talker.:thumbsup: My mobile is for MY convenience, not everyone elses. In a cinema, theatre or restaurant situation, mine would be off before I even walked in the door. If someone wants me they can leave a message on the voicemail or try again later.

Some folk are just plain ignorant unfortunately.

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I agree entirely. I DETEST mobile phones intruding into normal everyday life. I'm from the generation where there was 2p phone boxes where you could reverse the charges to your parents if you were going to be late.


They are intrusive, rude and totally UNNECESSARY. We all managed without them the int he "olden days".


inside toilets are totally unnecessary too, but like mobile phones, they are useful. that doesn't mean taht just because i like the security that a mobile phone offers me that i have no respect for others and don't turn it off when it would be inappropriate for it to ring or for me to be fiddling with it.


that said, if i was plain talker, i would have stood up, screamed in frustration, and thrown and over priced tub of haagen dazs (sp?) at the third idiot with a phone, and then had a huge long shouty rant, and would then hopefully leave to the rounds of applause from the rest of the audience and cast. is the wasted cost of a theatre ticket worth the adoration of hundreds? close call, if you ask me.


obviously i wouldn't really have the nerve to do that, but i'd like to think i would (quiety skulks back to corner).

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