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Spiderlings - advice please


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hey, im going to be buying a spiderling tarantula soon, but i need to know what species i should get as im a beginner.


i want something thats pretty docile and not aggressive, as i would'nt want to be bitten.


i have been told by a few people that the Curly Hair Tarantula is prob the best one for me to get.



any thoughts/ideas welcome please.

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Chile Rose is generally the recommended begginner species and should be readily available.


Stay away from any of the Haplopelma spp, Theraphosa Blondi or the 'Baboons'.

Also wouldn't recommend any of the arboreal spp as first spider.

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I'd recommend a Chilean Rose too- and get a female, cos the males generally don't live for very long.


One little random tip- different spiders do have food preferences. I know that most of the books say that they eat anything that hangs about long enough for them to catch it, but I had a Chilean Rose which chose crickets to eat (crickets put in the viv lasted a maximum of a few hours, but anything else hung about for weeks- I had to start putting food for the food in the viv too if I couldn't get crickets) and a Mexican Red Knee who wouldn't touch crickets but could demolish 10 locusts on feeding day.

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