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Have 'First' got the wrong weights marked up on their buses?


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God, I was bored on Saturday! No SUFC, Strictly CGI Dancing back on telly. Anyway, I was sat waiting for a bus in town and a First single-decker pulled up. I noticed (see how bored I was!) that it had "Gross unladen Weight" - or summat - of 11130 Kg. Next up was a Stagecoach single-decker with 8000-odd GUW. Hmm. Why around three tons difference? Next up was a First double-decker with GUW 11000-odd. Seems to me that, pro-rata and compared with the Stagecoach bus, First may have signed-up their entire fleet wrongly. Expensive mistake? Possible contravening one of the many rules and regs?

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You have gross unladen weight, you also have total weight.

Maximum weights apply.


Tests for new vehicles include things such as 'tilt tests' where you weigh unladen. then you use weight to simulate passengers and luggage and weigh it again.


You then take it to a test pit, where the vehicle is leant over to 37(?) degrees. All 4 wheels have to stay in contact with the ground.


This is a test that has to be passed by the regulating government body before a bus/coach can go into production


So yes weights are important and will have been stated correctly

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I can assure you that they are not signed up wtong and the weights displayed are correct


The Stagecoach single deckers are smaller buses than say the VolvoB10 and the Barbie,there is actualy very little difference between the weight of a Double and single decker.


A first Volvo B6 will be about the same UL weight as a Stagecoach single decker,again because they are smaller buses and come in at around 7 tonnes

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I saw three buses in a row today, and they ALL had "First" painted on them!


Surely they should have been different.

The one at the front was correctly marked "First", but the middle and back buses should have been painted "Second" and "Third" respectively.



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I saw three buses in a row today, and they ALL had "First" painted on them!


First Group got into all sorts of problems when they took over the former Great Western train franchise in and out of Paddington. They went to town painting the trains in their colours and applying the logo liberally all over the trains. Inside, this meant the word 'First' printed on the headrest covers.


Yep. You guessed it. They began to find that many standard class passengers complained when they couldn't find any standard class seats... :hihi:



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