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Quiz on Fundamentalists

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Here's a quiz for monday !


See if you can tell which of the

following statements were made by Islamic fundamentalists, and which

were made by fundamentalist Christians ?


There are 17 quotes - guess which fundie religious group gets

the highest score


Answers appear below.


"The (Koran/Bible) says that we should rule. If you don't rule and I

don't rule, the atheists and the agnostics are going to rule. We

should be the head of our nation. We should be taking over every

area of life."


"We have a (Koranic/Biblical) duty; we are called by (God/Allah), to

conquer this country."


"We must, from the highest office in the land right down to the

shoeshine boy in the airport, have a return to (Koranic/Biblical)



"A politician, as a minister of (Allah/God), is a revenger to execute

wrath upon those who do evil . . . The role of government is to

minister justice and to protect the rights of its citizens by being a

terror to evildoers within and without the nation."


"Individual (Christians/Muslims) are the only ones that are qualified

to have the reign, because, hopefully, they will be governed by

(God/Allah) and submit to him.


"No one is fit to govern other people unless first of all something

governs him. And there is only one governor I know of that is

suitable to be judge of all the universe, that's (God/Allah).


"Muslims/Christians like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions."


"We would not accept the tyranny of a democracy because we recognized

that the only sovereign over men and nations was (God/Allah)."


"We do not want a democracy in this land because if we have a

democracy a majority rules."


"Freedom of speech has never been right. We've never had freedom of

speech in this country and we never should have."


"After the (Christian/Muslim) majority takes control, pluralism will

be seen as immoral and evil and the state will not permit anybody the

right to practice evil."


"We must get busy in constructing a (Koran-based/Bible-based) social,

political and religious order which finally denies the religious

liberty of the enemies of (Allah/God)."


"Democracy is evil and contrary to (God's/Allah's) law."


"Let me tell you something else about the character of (Allah/God).

If necessary, (Allah/God) would raise up a tyrant--a man who might

not have the best ethics--to protect the freedom and the interests

of the ethical and the godly."


"These people are vile folks. . . If you deal with these people long

enough, you understand the wisdom of (Allah/God) when he says that

they should be put to death". (refers to gays)


"I agree with capital punishment and I believe that

homosexuality...could be coupled with murder and other sins. It

would be the government that sits upon this land who will be

executing the homosexuals."


"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want

you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our

goal is a (Muslim/Christian) nation."


















**ALL** of these statements come from evangelical

Christians. Jerry Falwell, Kent Hovind, James Robison, Pat

Robertson, Gary North, Randall Terry, and a few others from Moral

Majority and Christian Coalition.

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Great enemies are often a reflection of each other. I've always held that the supposed war of civilisations is not Islam against Christianity, but against the tradition of liberal secular humanism. That's the real 'western values' so despised by Islamists, but the Christian fundamentalists hate it just as bad! It bugs me when the debates end up discussing the Koran v the Bible, as hardly anyone lives their life by biblical decree. It's missing the point. I suppose we're lucky we're not over-infested with the Christian extremism that has taken over much of American politics, but it tends to distort the perspective of the wider issues. The real enemies, to both sides, are those who don't pledge allegiance to any god at all.

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SNIP - the supposed war of civilisations is not Islam against Christianity, but against the tradition of liberal secular humanism. That's the real 'western values' so despised by Islamists, but the Christian fundamentalists hate it just as bad!



Good line


The trouble is with strong faith in a sky god is that is convinces people that only they are right... The modern world should not operate on a black/white arguement - the world should be open to many different views. Fundementalists are so troubled by modernity and otehr peoples views that they seek to stamp out views/ideas that cause them to worry about chinks in their belief.



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