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Possible problem with graphics


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I have just recieved a game today that i bought, it is premier manager 2006-2007.


The minimum specifications of the game are:- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, pentium 3 733 mhz computer (1.0ghz recommended), 128 memory (512mb recommended) 500mb available hard drive space, 32mb geforce 2 or radeon 8000 series class video card (64mb geforce 3 or radeon 8500 class recommended) directx 8/1 compatible sound card, 8x cd-rom drive.


My computer is a 1.7ghz processor, 1gb memory, 40gb hard drive, geforce 4 mx400 64mb video card, my sound card is directx 8.1 compatible.


What happens is i install the game and then i load it up the logo of the producers comes up and then all the picture scrambles into different colours and it does nothing, no matter what i press it wont do anything it just goes really funny, what could be causing this problem? i thought straight away that it was something to do with the graphics card but i think my graphics card is ok to play this game.

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Check what version of driver ur using for the mx400, try updating them to the new 1s if that doesnt work then try an old set of drivers for it. The MX series of gefoce has always had graphix problems, its just a case of find the best set of drivers that work best for you.

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