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Am I being awful or just a snob?

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Why is it that you have to get a cat licence but not a child licence? That's what I want to know!
You have to have a cat license? What is the world coming to. The mice must have an effective lobby over there.
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I took my son to school in the morning after a hearty breakfast, crappy awful weather today (I think we can all agree.)


Went to the newsagent to buy him some tissues and had horrible thoughts as I waited to pay.


A group small children (primary infant age) no coats on, buying up loads of chocolate, crisps and cheap fizzy pop all stood in front of me. They then made their own way to school munching as they walked in the drizzle unsupervised. (youngest was about 6, oldest 8 if that)


awful thoughts crossing my mind included:


1. God how can the parents send them out without coats

2. Don't they get any breakfast?

3. I hope they get across the three busy roads ahead of them without getting killed.


So am I being a snob by thinking these kids are being dragged up and not properly cared for?


I'm sorry but that's the way I went to school in the fifties but without the crisps etc. I was the youngest and my parents were both working as were my sisters and brother. As for coats we had one single breasted jacket which was worn all through the year, no fancy hooded, padded, waterproof coats then AND I wasn't dragged up or not cared for, it was the times we lived in that determined our actions.

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