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Classic case of wasting police time

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But it's the police wasting their own time, and a considerable amount of money.




This poor woman was arrested, finger-printed, DNA sampled and photograhed because a neighbour claimed she had kept his football.


As well as searching her garden the police "rifled through drawers and cupboards" in her home looking for the football, presumably they had taken the trouble to apply for a search warrant, - and we have to assume the lady's drawers were big enough to accomodate a football. ;)


How do the police expect to maintain public sympathy and support when they throw their weight into into silly disputes like this ?

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How ridiculous to call the police when you kick a ball into someone else's garden. I can understand that police have to go through the motions and fill in all the corrrect forms, but the person who called them in this instance should be presented with a bill for the cost of this goosechase (which will amount to rather more than the cost of buying a new football I'm sure).

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Interesting isn't it?


Make a stupid (unfounded) accusation against somebody, and they get to exist on the DNA database everafter whether they like it or not :suspect:


If they're found to be innocent of the trumped up charges, do the police come round and add the time waster to their database too? :huh:

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Aw come on stop it!.The Police are intelligent compassionate people as the recruitment add on the television states COULD YOU DO IT.The poor little football was lost possible kidnapped.


I have just realised where getting into Panto season so

BOO,Hiss to the police .

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What I find rather paradoxical is that the police will gladly fingerprint, DNA sample and search an old dears house for a poxy football but will gladly send round an inept WPC and one of those community support wallahs to just take a statement and give out a crime reference number when our lass and two of her mate got their bags robbed. Did I see a SOCO team? Did I see anything other than a cursory effort? Did I meet anyone of any intelligence?


Did I heck. A bit of consistency wouldn't go amiss :|

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