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'IRA campaign is over' says Blair

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I find the timing of this latest report far too convenient, or am I just being too cynical?


Tony Blair finally says he is going, & is obviously looking to try & get his place in the history books for something other than being Dubya's poodle, & lo & behold, within a couple of weeks he's announcing that the "IRA campaign is over" & that "We are satisfied that the arms decommissioned represent the totality of the IRA's arsenal."


It was reported over a year ago that "The IRA has put all of its weapons beyond use", & all of a sudden Tony seems to be all eager to associate himself with it.


Well gee, thanks Tone.

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I think he's talking about the 12th IMC report - released in the last few days

PIRA has taken further steps to run down its terrorist capability. It has

disbanded “military” structures, including the General Headquarters

departments responsible for procurement, engineering and training, and it has

stood down volunteers and stopped allowances. Continuing inactivity itself

leads to further erosion of capability


The leadership continues to instruct members not to use physical force,

whether for the purposes of community discipline or any other reason. When,

in response to pressure from within the community to deal with anti-social

behaviour, permission to do so has been sought, it has been denied. We think

that with a very small number of exceptions the leadership has been successful in checking violence by members


The leadership has maintained a firm stance against the involvement of

members in criminality, although this does not mean that criminal activity by all

members has stopped. The leadership’s stance has included public

statements and internal directions; investigating incidents of breach of the

policy; the expulsion of some members; and emphasising the importance of

ensuring that business affairs are conducted in a legitimate manner


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Mr Blair is clearly becoming a great statesmen and doing statesmanlike things on the TV. Narrow minded people might think he is lining himself up for his next job which may be EU President, World President, King or some other similar role.

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having just moved from belfast to sheffield i can safely tell you that that terrorist campaign is over but invovlement in other criminal activity such as cigerette smuggleing etc is still on going but the days of ira bombings are over


The IRA have always been gangsters. Unfortunately the situation allowed them to pretend to be an army and even get money from stupid people in New York. Now they can't pretend to be an Army they are only left with those elements of organised crime that don't involve anyone getting on national news (aside from the odd bank job of course).

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The IRA have always been gangsters. Unfortunately the situation allowed them to pretend to be an army and even get money from stupid people in New York. Now they can't pretend to be an Army they are only left with those elements of organised crime that don't involve anyone getting on national news (aside from the odd bank job of course).


Sorry KenH, but I disagree. Forced into being gangsters, yes. But gangsters, no. Originally the Irish Revolutionary Army wanted to give Ireland back to the Irish. To do that they need weapons to fight the British Army, and to buy weapons they needed money.


There are several ways of getting money. They could ask for subscriptions from members and supporters, but that would take time and effort which would quickly become public. The easier way was to ‘take’ money, thus leaving officialdom to figure out a motive.


They succeeded in giving Eire back to the Irish, and lost quite a few well-known and not so well-known figures in the process. That, in my opinion, makes them freedom fighters who did their job efficiently. The British took Ireland — the IRA got most of it back! They did it in their own way, at their own pace — but they did it!

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Another New labour lie :rant:


Blair and his cronies should visit Cluan place in Belfast or the Fountaine estate in Londonderry and then see if they think the IRA campaign is over .

The violence in these and many other interface areas is orchestrated by

SeinFain / IRA , Gerry and Martin might be having sandwiches in Downing street with Blair but their supporters are continuing their terror campaign .

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Another New labour lie :rant:


Blair and his cronies should visit Cluan place in Belfast or the Fountaine estate in Londonderry and then see if they think the IRA campaign is over .

The violence in these and many other interface areas is orchestrated by

SeinFain / IRA , Gerry and Martin might be having sandwiches in Downing street with Blair but their supporters are continuing their terror campaign .

Have you any evidence for this VARB?

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having just moved from belfast to sheffield i can safely tell you that that terrorist campaign is over but invovlement in other criminal activity such as cigerette smuggleing etc is still on going but the days of ira bombings are over


The " bombing " that makes the news might be , I was in Belfast for a family celebration a couple of weeks ago and the signs of pertol bombings and damage done by rocks in some areas is still all to visable . This low level terror campaign is ignored by the media and Westminster who like to pretend that the IRA have stopped terrorist activity .

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