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Do you work from home in Sheffield?

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Wondering if there are many people on these boards who, like me, work from home? I enjoy my job (well, mostly!) , and there are lots of good things about working at home, but I do start to get cabin-fever now and again, and I miss not having any work chums to chat to - although i definitely don't miss going to an office every day ;)


So, is there anybody else out there who can help me stop talking to the walls and shouting at the radio?


Mrs G x

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Wondering if there are many people on these boards who, like me, work from home? I enjoy my job (well, mostly!) , and there are lots of good things about working at home, but I do start to get cabin-fever now and again, and I miss not having any work chums to chat to - although i definitely don't miss going to an office every day ;)


So, is there anybody else out there who can help me stop talking to the walls and shouting at the radio?


Mrs G x


Yeah, what do you do?


I used to work from home, then moved into an office...

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Hi! I work for an astrologer - sorting out the problems, and answering the (fairly potty) emails of people who subscribe to his website. It's fun, but is mainly just sitting at a computer in my spare room. Back in the days when I had a 'proper' job I was a marketing manager. (aah, ..those weren't the days)

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Yeah sounds cushy!


Yes, I was very lucky, an old friend already worked for him, and suggested I send in my CV, cos they needed to take someone else on. I'd been looking for something for ages (through agencies, newspaper ads etc) and it always used to really pee me off when people got jobs like that, but is nice when it happens to you!


I'm sure I read in the Telegraph a while ago about a 'support' group for home-workers who meet up in Sheffield now and again. Anyone know anything about it?

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I work from home and mainly it's fine as I'm here there and everywhere a lot of the time. I have an office too but need to get my furniture sorted out.


Sometimes it's better to work at home and sometimes much better in the office, I use my office for meetings etc.


Trouble is I never seem to clock off when at home.

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