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Where can I go to eat?


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Now the lair is a gay bar, I'm totally stuck.


I'm going to see Jeff Green on saturday with my in-laws and we were going to eat at the lions lair but now we can't. Ideally I want somewhere that does similar food at a similar price or somewhere close to the city hall.


I did think about BRB, but I could use some other ideas...there are issues with the mother in law and food so no where that doesn't do something plain and boring for her but with something adventurous for the rest of us!


Tall order I know!


Please please please help!!

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Does the Lions Lair only serve "gay food" or something?


Some straight people find it uncomfortable to go to a gay bar.

Some gays can be a little too forward for me assuming that anyone in the place is open for sex or taunting non gays.

That and some straight guys don't want to be seen in a gay bar.


Before I get shouted at for being homophobic notice the word SOME.

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