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Anybody else been made redundant?

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Yes, I've been made redundant and by the time I was due to finish on the Friday I had lined up another job for the Monday and although lower paid at first, it actually lead to better salary within a year or so!!


I still had my redundancy money sat in the bank untouched so was way better off in the long run.


Good luck and think positive!



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Yep, I used to work for Qjump/ Midland Mainline. I got made redundant in 2004 when they closed down the Sheffield call centre and moved operations to India. As I'd been there several years I got a five figure redundancy payout so spent nearly a year off work just walking, cycling and being idle.


I now have a much better job in the rail industry that pays more and is much more satisfying - in short redundancy isn't always a bad thing and can often force you out of the comfort zone when you've been in a dull job too long.

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i was made redundant when i was heavily pregnant because of closure to the site i was working at.

in my experience it was a negative all the way from my employer...

i was told only 2 weeks before that i was to be made redundant. i had been working there for 2 weeks less than the 2 yrs required to be entitled to redundency pay...in turn i couldnt claim contribution based job seekers so i was left at a real loss...ontop of all that because i was over 25 weeks preggers when i was made redundant it was my ex employer that was to pay my maternity allowance, and let me tell you i had a real job getting it. i had to seek legal advice and threaten legal action. even then it was a hassel getting what was owed.


in the end it turned out ok because it prompted me to be a stay at home mother/wife for the three years between giving birth and my daughter starting nursery, something i wouldnt have considered had i still been in employment.


you have been given enough time to find other employment if you need it, or you can use it as a push to do something youve always wanted to do...sometimes its the push you may need...in my case it gave me the opportunity to eventually train for a career in hairdressing.


good luck with whatever you decide to do!:thumbsup:

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Yep, I used to work for Qjump/ Midland Mainline. I got made redundant in 2004 when they closed down the Sheffield call centre and moved operations to India. As I'd been there several years I got a five figure redundancy payout so spent nearly a year off work just walking, cycling and being idle.


I now have a much better job in the rail industry that pays more and is much more satisfying - in short redundancy isn't always a bad thing and can often force you out of the comfort zone when you've been in a dull job too long.


Yeah bascially same reaon - jobs moved to India :rant:

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Both me and my Partner have been made redundant at some point....Things do get better and generally after a while you'll realise they did you a favour .


I remember my other half being made redundant when I was 5 month Pregnant with Twins ..... I freaked !!!!!! :rant:


But we were soon back on our feet and Back into Employment .

It is a scary time for anyone - Think of it as a fresh Start :thumbsup:


Good Luck x :thumbsup:

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